The Thoughts and Pondering of a Youth Pastor's Daughter

Hey Guys! It's Olivia! My dad has been pressuring me to write on his blog and I finally gave in. :) Anyway, I don't know how good this is going to be, but here it goes...
My dad told me to write about my thoughts and my feelings. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is how much I love this place! It's really become a new home for me. Everyone here gets really close to you and you feel like family. I was especially surprised at how quickly I got to know the people in Guaymate. We were only there for a week, but somehow I got attached to the place and I was sad to leave. If you remember my dad mentioning lots of tears after we left...well...that was me. :) LOL. Seriously though, it's crazy because you connect with them in a way you never thought possible. I really miss it there....although it is kind of nice to have air conditioning again....just kidding. I would trade our air conditioner for a chance to hang out with the people in Guaymate any day!
Another thing I have realized about this place is how the people are so hospitable! Again, they take you in as though you are family! Some people here who I think have shown a lot of hospitality are Nanna and Adolfo from Guaymate, Giudo from Santo Domingo, and (of course) Steve and Sandra just to name a few. There are many more people I could list.
Something that I really noticed, especially in Guaymate, was their devotion to God in prayer. Especially when I was sick everyone there was concerned and prayed over me many times. I took comfort in that. It felt good to have your family in Christ praying for you and offering you comfort. I think that is one of the reasons that I got so attached. Everyone there made being sick a little more pleasant than how terrible being sick usually is.
I've learned a lot here. And I mean A LOT! One thing that I learned is that it's okay sometimes for you to be pushed out of your comfort zone. Even if it feels awkward and terrible during the experience, you can learn so much from it. I kind of came into this trip expecting to stay in my comfort zone at all costs.......but I ended up being shoved out of it. :) That is okay though. Those experiences have changed me and I hope made me a better person (you might have to ask my sisters about that one). :) Another thing that I've learned is the diversity of different bodies of Christ around the world. Even churches in the Dominican Republic are VERY different from others, but I've noticed most focus on music a lot! And their services are longer but only because they can't stop singing praise to our God! I've kind of gotten used to it and actually enjoy them now (even if I have no idea what they are really talking about). One thing that our whole family has learned, but has been difficult, is to just relax! Everyone out here is more laid back and, especially the first two weeks, we got bored and stir crazy a lot! I had a lot of time on my hands so I read A LOT (as I always do in the summer) and I actually learned how to play guitalele (I don't know if my dad has mentioned this, but it's kind of a mix of a guitar and a ukulele). Another thing that I have learned here (This is one is really important :)) is how to fit eight people in a tiny taxi that is only supposed to fit five people. LOL. Anyway, there is so much more I could say, but I'm tired and it's getting late.
I want to say so much more about this new wonderful home of mine. I love the people and their kindness. I love the beauty you can find even in brokenness. I just love this place!! Which is funny because at first I cried because I missed home. Now I cry because I'm torn between my two homes. Well, I better get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow!!