Our Righteous Savior
(Note: St. Augustine is famous for writing a book called “The Confessions,” which he wrote completely as a prayer to God. In the same spirit, I plan to write these posts as a prayer to God.)
“The LORD judges the peoples; judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me. Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous— you who test the minds and hearts, O righteous God!” (Psalm 7:8–9, ESV)
The LORD judges the peoples; judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me.
Heavenly Father, when I hear that you are a judge, my natural tendency is to think about you judging other people. I immediately think about other people that need to fall under your judgement—those who have rejected you and are leading other people astray. I am thankful I can rest in the fact that you will judge the wicked and bring justice to this earth. You are a just judge.
Yet, Father, you don’t always want me to think about judging other people. You will also judge me. You see behind the mask I wear to my innermost self. You know my true thoughts and desires. You know when I am living in bitterness and anger. You know when I’m truly living the life of faith—taking each step while trusting you.
Father, this is why I’m so thankful for the work of Jesus Christ. Apart from His salvation, I couldn’t stand before your judgement. I would be broken and defeated. Yet, now that I have given my life to Christ, when I stand before your judgement, you see Jesus and his righteousness—not my sins and failures. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous—you who test the minds and hearts
Father, you are a God who tests our hearts and minds. You know the words we will speak before they pass our lips. You know the thoughts we will think before they cross our mind. You can look at the world and truly know who is evil and wicked.
Father, don’t let them prosper in their wickedness. Don’t allow them to think rejecting you would lead to “The Good Life.” Make sure their scheming and lies turn back on their heads. Help them fall into their own traps. Hopefully, this will cause them to stop relying on themselves and turn to you for salvation.
Father, I also ask you to establish the righteous—those who have faith in Christ. I know we’re not perfect. I know we are constantly making mistakes. Yet, Father, please work in us to prevent our feet from slipping. Keep us from falling into traps. As you continue to save us, we will continue to sing your praises for our salvation. We will continue to proclaim your salvation to those who have fallen into their own traps.
O righteous God!
Heavenly Father, you are a righteous God. There is no evil or wickedness in you. You are perfect in all your ways. It is such a beautiful comfort for me to know that you are righteous and will make everything right one day. It’s a comfort for me to know that even now—when wickedness and righteousness are mixed together like wheat and chaff—you are working out your righteous plan. So, Father, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.