Diligent, Faithful Patience
“Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”” (Acts 1:6–8, NIV)
Wanting to Know More
Every time I read this passage in Acts, I laugh. The disciples are eager to know when the kingdom will come. They’ve been “patiently” waiting for Jesus to bring the kingdom. Now they think it’s about time for Jesus to leap into action. I mean, come on, he has just risen from the dead. Looks like he’s getting ready for something even bigger—to usher in the kingdom.
Yet, Jesus has a great response. He says, “That’s not something you need to worry about. It’s none of your business when the kingdom will come in its fullness.” Jesus reminds the disciples that they want to know more than they need to know. They don’t need to know when Jesus is going to fully usher in the kingdom. It’s none of their business.
Faithful Ministry
Yet, Jesus doesn’t just leave them with a rebuke. After telling them what is NOT their business, he tells them what IS their business: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). That’s what they should focus on—being faithful, spirit-filled witnesses in the world. Jesus wants them to stop worrying about when the kingdom is going to fully come and wants them to focus on doing the work He has called them to do now—and to do it faithfully.
Interestingly enough, as we read through the rest of scripture, this is actually how the kingdom comes. It comes as a result of faithful, spirit-filled ministry in the world. It doesn’t come instantaneously overnight, but slowly spreads throughout one location into the next. It’s like a mustard seed. It’s like leaven. If the disciples stop worrying about the WHEN of the kingdom, and start focusing on the WORK of the kingdom, the kingdom will spread.
Diligent, Faithful Patience
As I’ve been thinking about this in light of recent events, it seems to be a good word for the church today. There are many in the church who are asking Jesus, “Are you going to usher in the kingdom now?” Many Christians are tired of waiting—tired of the injustice, tired of sinfulness, tired of division, tired of [you name it]. So, they keep asking Jesus when he will usher in the kingdom and fix all of this.
His answer to us: “That’s none of your business. But you have the Holy Spirit, and I’ve called you to be a witness where I’ve placed you. Focus on that. The rest will come in its time.”
This requires a diligent, faithful patience. God does not call us to “wait for the kingdom to come.” He also does not call us to “usher in the kingdom ourselves.” We’re called to diligently, faithfully do the spirit-filled work of ministry Jesus has given us in our community, trusting that He will use that work to bring about the kingdom. That’s where we should focus our ministry: diligent, faithful patience.