Day Five in the Dominican Republic

Today was another good day. I had a very busy day today (in some respects), but Rachel and the girls had lots of free time. They spent a good portion of the day hanging around the apartment, cleaning, reading, and just being goofy (see above picture). However, they eventually got cabin fever and needed to get out of the apartment. We also lost all power, including battery power, so the apartment we getting very hot. So, after supper, we called another cab and hung out at Carrefour for a couple hours. Carrefour could be described as a Super Walmart to some degree, but they have more groceries and less houseware items. They DO have A/C, so it was nice to spend a couple hours walking around and picking up a few items that we still needed around the apartment. One of the things Rachel and the girls were craving was pop. We have been drinking a LOT of water and it has all been bottled, purified water, which has much less flavor that what we typically drink out of our well at home. They were craving something with more flavor. So, we bought some pop. It was a nice treat.

Much of my day was spent in a meeting. World Renew has programs operating in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. However, they do not have hired staff overseeing their work in the Dominican Republic. So, the Haitian director oversees World Renew's work in the DR. That's what this meeting was about. World Renew has focused energy in five zones in the Dominican Republic and each zone has one person overseeing the work. Each of these leaders were part of this meeting, including a few pastors from their prospective zones. It was a fascinating to take part of this meeting. I was able to understand almost 75% of what was going on, which was also nice. The meeting went for three hours, we took a break for lunch, then went for another couple hours. Thankfully, the room we met in had A/C, so I wasn't complaining. Much of the conversation revolved around the dreams and goals each leader has for their particular zone. The goal of their work was to help each of these communities become self-sufficient (in some sense of the word). Also, as you can see from the picture, there was a wide age range of participants. There were three people who were in their mid-low twenties, a few in their thirties, and a few forty and over. Every on of them spoke with passion for their people and the Lord.

Immediately after this meeting, I had to connect with a youth group that meets at the school. Steve and I wanted to talk to them about allowing me to lead them in a Bible Study. I didn't quite catch how often they typically meet--maybe once a week. However, they looked fairly excited to participate in the Bible Study I prepared. They also committed to meeting tomorrow afternoon and Friday afternoon in order to participate in the Bible study, along with another day next week. I'm curious to see how it goes. I prepared the Bible study to function exactly the same way I lead them at Bethel, allowing the kids to do much of the study, question asking, and searching the Bible for answers. I only "walk alongside them" as they study, giving gentle nudges in certain places. This is a convenient way to lead a Bible study when I don't speak Spanish very well :-) They will be doing much of the learning on their own. I only need to point them in the right direction.
Here are some more prayer requests:
Thank God for answered prayers:
I was able to understand most of the conversations I participated in today
We had another good night of sleep
We've had plenty of water to drink
We had another good trip in a taxi and made it back home :-)
Thank God for A/C
Continued prayers that we would stay healthy
Pray for the Youth Group meeting to go well tomorrow
The Board of the Christian Reformed Church of the Dominican Republic meets tomorrow (I will be observing this meeting as well). Pray that it goes well.
Once again, I want to thank everyone for their prayers. We have been lifted up and strengthened through them.
Buenos Noches!